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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Coping With Weight Loss in the Winter Months

Did you overeat at Christmas? Are you now suffering the consequences? Can't do up your trousers? Feeling lethargic and a little depressed? If so, join the club.

You are certainly not alone at this time of year. The excitement of Christmas and New Year has passed and you are left with a new or worsening weight problem.

Take heart, all is not lost. Now is an excellent time of year to really get to grips with that weight loss issue. You may have made a New Years Resolution and promptly failed at the first hurdle, but just remember that old saying

If at first you don't succeed try, try, try again.

The most important thing to remember when dieting at this time of year is to replace those cold salads with warming soups. There is nothing wrong with eating salad but if you are left feeling cold and unsatisfied after your meal you are not going to stick to it for very long.

Healthy casseroles with meat, fish or a vegetarian option are also a good idea at this time of year. Just make sure that they are not thickened with flour, instead you can use lentils. Also cut down on the potatoes and include a few more green vegetables.

It may be that you just can't face a weight loss diet right now. Some people find it impossible to diet in the winter. If that is the case then your best plan would be to simply eat a well balanced healthy diet and do your best to cut out sugar and refined carbohydrate.

Whatever time of year it may be you must always ensure that you drink plenty of water. Try to cut out the caffeine laden drinks and fizzy pops and stick to hot lemon and ginger or green tea.

You could also try sipping diluted apple cider vinegar as this is supposed to be an excellent weight loss aid. Mix it with a fruit juice if you find the taste too difficult.

Whatever you do don't go down the slippery slope of putting even more weight on throughout January and February. Write down what you have eaten each day, as this helps to focus the mind. It will also help to ensure that you maintain your current weight in readiness for the time when you feel able to face starting a weight loss plan in earnest.

For More Related Topics Blog: Top Diets For Weight Loss

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