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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Can I Finally Reach My Weight Loss Goal?

If you've tried losing weight in the past only to put the weight back on, you are not alone. Every year thousands of men and women set weight loss goals only to give up before they give their bodies a real chance to lose weight. What is the problem?

It is easy to think that you may not have enough willpower or motivation to lose weight, but that's not really it is it? Finding a diet and exercise plan that works for you is the key to lasting weight loss. Like you, I've tried counting calories, fat grams and points for a good majority of my life. Eventually I grew tired of counting everything I consumed.

I knew losing weight wasn't going to be easy, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was an easier way to lose weight without wanting to give up so easily. The solution finally came when I was least expecting it. The solution was simple: stop counting calories.

How could I do that and still lose weight? The trick is this: when I eat the right foods for weight loss I don't need to count calories. Knowing which foods would aide weight loss was my key to finally reaching my weight goal. For most of my life I starved myself and ate too little, this only slowed down my metabolism making weight loss even harder.

When I started The Day Off Diet a year ago I learned that I could eat more of the right foods and still manage to lose weight. I was able to eat in restaurants again and everyone around me didn't even know I was dieting. The key was to eat the right foods until I was satisfied. The day off diet provided me with a list of green light, yellow light and red light foods that were satisfying and delicious. I only ate red light foods on my once a week "day off".

This was exactly what I needed to lose weight: an easy plan that I could finally live with.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Pills Fast

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